Jan 27th M Delahunty - Sligo Education Centre

Sligo Education Centre
Ionad Oideachais Shligigh
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AI can be a game changer for students with special needs or those learning English as an additional language.
In this session, we’ll explore how AI tools can provide personalised support, from language help to customised learning materials, making the classroom more accessible for everyone.

Mark Delahunty
Mark is passionate about educational technology, holding certifications as a Google Certified Trainer, Microsoft Innovator, and Apple Teacher. With a role as a Digital Learning Coordinator and a Postgraduate degree in School Leadership, Mark has vast experience in integrating technology into education to improve learning outcomes. Mark has facilitated both online and face-to-face Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions, impacting educators at local, national, and international levels. Mark has over 16 years of teaching experience and working with digital technology.
ATU Campus, Ballinode,Co Sligo.
Tel: (071) 9138700

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Web: www.ecsligo.ie

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Web: www.ecsligo.ie

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