Feb 12th James Mc Laughlin - Sligo Education Centre

Sligo Education Centre
Ionad Oideachais Shligigh
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Attendees will receive Certificates of Completion and Course Materials from ComplyPro
The course has been designed to give best practice and guidance around the management of children when they display outbursts in a positive way with least intervention.
This ComplyPro course follows the recent guidance document on Behaviours of Concern from the Department of Education.
The course looks at the legal implications and gives staff confidence to act appropriately. This course is ideally suited for teaching staff and SNAs that are involved with children.
We discuss emergency situations/crisis and what is an appropriate interaction by all staff to manage the situation.

ATU Campus, Ballinode,Co Sligo.
Tel: (071) 9138700

Contact Us:
Web: www.ecsligo.ie

Contact Us:
Web: www.ecsligo.ie

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