Dr Pauline Cogan
Dr Pauline Cogan
With the help of teachers, the school community, the DES and other bodies and driven by research, policy and practice, Pauline has developed TEST2r. This is a comprehensive test used to screen and pin-point the emergent literacy skills which a 5 – 6 year old child needs to be taught. It also provides an individual report on each child and pointers to intervention/resources.She lectures widely both nationally and internationally in the area of Dyslexia and Literacy Acquisition.
Pauline is an honorary member of the Board of Dyslexia International Tools & Technologies which is a portal to UNESCO. She is on the National Executive Committee of the Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) and is the Editor of LEARN – the journal of that body. She is also a Chartered Psychologist of the Psychological Society of Ireland.
Pauline has invited us to share the presentations below with you.